Specialist in contextual advertizing and SEO

Education is the main:

2002 - Moscow aviation institute (national research university), Moscow, Faculty of applied mathematics and physics, engineer-mathematician

Working experience

Contextual advertizing manager
08.2013 - 09.2013, CM Clinic (smclinic.ru) - Medicine, pharmaceutics, medical equipment, drugstores
Work with the agency on the party of the client.

Contextual advertizing manager
04.2013 - 07.2013, Tekhnomed (tehnomed.ru) - Medicine, pharmaceutics, medical equipment, drugstores
Setup of Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords.
Work with Direct Auction and B'day as useful systems of competitive struggle:).
Click reduction of price twice, against the background of general increase in prices because of change of advertizing policy of Yandex (refusal of the right column).
Regional targeting: reduction of price of St. Petersburg to $0:03 in specialplacement.
Operating time of technologies of manipulation at the price of click in both parties.
Automation of advertizing at the expense of API Yandex.
Writing of TZ for programmers-freelancers.
Plan development of further development of Online store: creation of the partner program, strengthening of SEO at the expense of the rolled words on Yandex.Direct.
P.S. Yandex is right when it speaks dissatisfied with new advertizing policy - you incorrectly adjust!!! The strongest IT department survives!!!

Advertizing manager
11.2011 - 02.2013, Ltd company STANR (Moscow) - Heavy engineering, machine-tool construction
Successful holding an advertizing campaign.
Accounting of a logistic component in an advertizing campaign.
Handling of incoming calls for effective extension of the list of key requests.
Disaggregation of key requests.
Working off on contextual advertizing of requests for promotion (SEO).
Growth of CTR of the main websites for fixing in specialplacement at the price is lower than in the right column.
Use of the additional websites of "invisible beings" for dispersal of the price for competitors from the right column.
Writing of a PHP code for operational tracking on requests of the most valuable clients and their contacts.
Achievements: sharp increase in incoming calls, as a result explosive increase in production, reduction in cost of USED purchase of the equipment by 4 times, acceleration of sales of the recovered equipment, a conclusion of the modest entity to the level of several known Russian plants combined.

Project manager
04.2010 - 11.2011, NAM.SU (Moscow) - Media, marketing, advertizing, PR, design, producing
Delivery of buyers of goods and services under the specific client.
Application of a non-standard method of customer acquisition on service - fight against viruses and error correction on the websites of prospective clients.

01.2006 - 03.2010, Systems of contextual navigation (Moscow, wwwa.ru) - Media, marketing, advertizing, PR, design, producing
Preparation of commercial offers, conducting advertizing campaigns, management of managers.
The huge number of the executed projects. The cm letters of recommendation is lower.
Main achievement: even in crisis we continued to credit clients!

Manager project Internet
06.2003 - 12.2006, Academy of corporate systems (Moscow) - Information technologies, system integration, the Internet
Development of the website, advertizing of the website, SEO. Writing articles for PHP and Apache.

PHP programmer
04.2000 - 05.2003, Red foxes - Information technologies, system integration, the Internet
Programming, electronic commerce, customer acquisition, SEO, creation of systems of collection of information.

Additional information

Nationality: Russia
The work authorization in the countries: Russia

Key skills

Matching of the new directions of development of the company. Independent matching of keywords. Promotion of the websites in TOP(SEO the optimizer). Thin tuning of contextual advertizing. Expansion of set of keywords of an independent conversation with the client (buyer). Creation of system of identification of highly target clients who visited the website: instant obtaining by my robot of coordinates of large customers, for a hot pro-ring.
Analytics, replacement of competitors.
Readiness to undertake the emergency tasks of the PHP programmer, designer, network administrator.
At school studied the BASIC, at institute Pascal, C ++. The diploma wrote for PHP: Imitating modeling of Ethernet network on the Internet.
Skills: Sun Solaris, Linux, OpenOffice, Apache, PHP, html-hands, Photoshop, Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun, Direct Auction, Yandex of API, exchange of references, systems of active promotion, VoIP.
Preference to the state organizations.

Promotion of the website independently

  • Buy the most bystry virtual dedicated server VDS- for your website. It will help your website to leave with TOP of Yandex and Google. Search engines love the bystry websites!
  • Buy references for promotion of your website to Setlinks.ru. Excellent system of statistics and control of references. Minimum control of Yandex. Simple, convenient interface. Any beginner will cope!

  • : 89645949046
    SEO : .
    E-Mail: skon@skon.ru



: 89645949046
SEO , : .
E-Mail: skon@skon.ru

Black optimization

Example 1.
Maxims, good evening!
If to speak in general, then the campaign is in a deplorable state. I in life didn't see such rates. 1271 c.u. for click!
I can advise:
1. To start a campaign anew
2. To break in a campaign key / the announcement
3. For each keyword to write the unique announcement. To write it, considering all benefits of the platform: the term of a loan is up to 6 months, only 2 documents, registration within 45 min., etc. Now announcements it is written poorly.
4. If on the website the SHARE is specified! That and to write separate RK to understand how it works. Also to allocate it on the website. I noticed it not directly as the look of the regular user rests against the middle of the screen, but not sideways.
5. To expand a campaign. MUCH MORE to expand campaign LF (low-frequency) requests. To write for them unique announcements.
Comment of Skon.ru:
1. Perhaps at the author of the letter a chronic dollar mania. At present rates are limited to $50 - $100. 1271 - obviously to rubles.
2. Professional announcements don't break into a lot of stuff, and program on a template. The return - perfectionism.
3. Shares at all never work.

Example 2.
Isn't present of course, it is impossible to change meta-tags, it can't be done at all.
The website is optimized now, it needs to be filled with the text, will be only categories enough, even not all is possible and the main.
If to deliver these keywords on main, doubles of pages will appear. These keys are registered for each category separately.
If your companion plans to buy the reference under main, then only under these keys. it is time, and the second on main under keys isn't present the text. It should buy in 5 times more of references, than there would be a text and the result won't be satisfactory.
Before buying references it is necessary to work the website, to predict the budget and to smoothly begin purchase.
Illiterate purchase of references, can also have an adverse effect very much on a line item of the website and the website can be included in the black list of search engines.
If purchase of references was begun, it is impossible to stop as after that the website won't be possible to be lifted.
Therefore the big request not to do much harm to the domain and to the website not to be engaged in its promotion independently!!!
Comment of Skon.ru:
1. Perhaps at the author of the letter a chronic prokrastination. Lack of the fields description and keywords doesn't improve a line item. Google very much loves the field description.
2. If the website moves ahead on 10 requests, it is better to advance the homepage. With it usually there begin indexation of the website search engines. The homepage drops out of an index of search engines less often. If not the muzzle of the website moves ahead, then on relevance the search engine can elementary choose the internal page of the website on which references not purchased.
3. Skon.ru recommends to spend for purchase of references no more 1000ruble/month.